Humalog Mix 25 Cartridge 100 Units / mL


Humalog Mix 25 Cartridge

Insulin Lispro

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Humalog Mix 25 Cartridge 100 Units / mL

Humalog Mix25 cartridge is a premixed suspension that is usually prescribed along with long-acting type insulin. It combines two medications used to manage blood sugar levels and serious complications related to type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Humalog Mix 25 100IU/ml Cartridge has a prolonged duration of action as well as a fast onset of action. Together, it ensure a rapid and consistent control to manage blood glucose levels throughout the day.

A doctor or nurse should provide training on how to properly administer insulin which is in the form of injection. Managing your blood sugar levels is an essential part of diabetes management which can help you avoid any risks and complications such as eye damage, kidney damage, nerve problems or loss of limbs.

25% insulin lispro is the active substance dissolved in water. It works faster than insulin produced by the body since it has had a molecular modification. Protamine sulphate makes up the other 75% of Humalog Mix25 in the form of a suspension.

Your doctor or nurse will provide instruction on how to properly inject under the skin. It should be taken 15 minutes before starting your meal or within 20 minutes of starting your meal. Do not discontinue using insulin unless advised by your doctor.

Humalog Mix25 should be used as part of a treatment program that includes a healthy diet, weight loss and exercise program as advised by your doctor allowing patients to live a more healthy life.

Product Details:

  • 25% insulin lispro and
  • 75% insulin lispro
  • Protamine suspension (rDNA origin)


It’s important to check your blood sugar levels regularly, keep track of your results and share them with your doctor so they can prescribe the right dose for you.

Humalog Mix25 should be used 15 minutes before starting a meal and within 20 minutes of starting your meal.

Inject insulin as instructed by your doctor or nurse under the skin (subcutaneously). Injection sites include upper arms, buttocks, upper leg and abdomen. Do not massage area of injection after injecting

To prevent hard lumps from developing at one site, rotate injection sites.

Do not change insulin type or brand unless advised by your doctor as it may require a modification of dosage.

Opened Humalog25 cartridges should be stored at room temperature up to 4 weeks. Unopened medication should be refrigerated at 2°C–8°C. Cartridges maintain integrity at room temperature for up to 4 weeks.

Do not keep this medication in a freezer.

Humalog Mix25 should appear cloudy or milky after mixing well.

Always carry glucose tablets, candy or a sugary drink in case blood sugar levels drop too low.

Side Effects

Other major side effects include, allergic reactions at the site of injection. This can usually include swelling, redness, itching and lumps (lipodystrophy) at the area of injection.

Common side effects with Humalog Mix 25 100IU/ml Cartridge include:

  • Hypoglycemia
  • Injection site allergic reactions
  • Lipodystrophy (pits or skin thickening at the site of injection)
  • Itching
  • Rash
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Palpitations
  • Listlessness

If you are experiencing any side effects, consult with your doctor.

Warnings & Precautions

Avoid drinking excessive alcohol as it can lead to a drop in blood sugar levels.

If you have low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) do not use this medicine.

Tell your doctor if you have ever had kidney or liver problems before beginning treatment.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their doctor as they require their dosage to be adjusted.

Do not mix Humalog Mix25 with other insulin products or use with an insulin pump.

Do not share your insulin with others, even if the needle has been changed, as this may lead to spreading infections and blood pathogens.

If you forget to take Humalog Mix25, you may experience high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). If this happens, do not take a double dose to make up for the one you missed.

Do not stop taking the Humalog Mix25 cartridge unless advised by your doctor. If you stop taking this medication as instructed you may experience hyperglycemia or diabetic ketoacidosis which can be fatal.

Your ability to operate heavy machinery or drive may be affected by taking insulin as insulin can make blood sugar go up or drop. Speak with your doctor about whether you should drive on this medication.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I take Humalog Mix25 Cartridge?

Take 15 minutes before each meal or 20 minutes within starting your meal.

Where should insulin be injected?

Inject below the skin (subcutaneously) of the abdomen for faster results. It can also be injected in the upper arm, thigh or buttocks.

How do I inject insulin?

i) Wash your hands before injecting.
ii) Choose site of injection
iii) Clean area of injection site
iv) Remove needle cap
v) Unscrew needle and dispose of safely
vi) Pinch up a large area of skin
vii) Insert needle as instructed
viii) Press knob
ix) Pull the needle out and apply pressure gently for a few seconds
x) Using the outer needle cap, unscrew the needle and dispose of it safely.

How to prepare Humalog Mix 25 100IU/ml Cartridge before injection?

You insulin device should be rotated in the palm of your hands ten times and inverted 180 degrees 10 times before you re-suspend insulin until it appears milky or cloudy. Repeat until contents are mixed. Do not shake as this may lead to frothing which can interfere with correct dosage. Examine the cartridge/device frequently and do not use if there are particles or clumps present which give a frosty appearance.

Do I need to prime my pen before use?

Yes, you will need to prime your injector pen. If not, you may get too little or too much insulin. For priming, turn the dose knob to 2 units. Hold pen with needle pointing up and tap cartridge holder gently to collect any air bubbles at the top. Continue holding your pen with needle pointing up and push the dose knob until it stops at zero in the dose window. Hold the dose knob in and slowly count to five. You should begin to see insulin at the needle tip.

What should I do fi the dose knob is hard to push?

Pushing the dose knob slowly will make insulin easier to inject. If your needle is blocked, put a new need and prime your pen once again.

Which drugs may require an insulin dosage increase?

Medications that cause hyperglycemic activity (increase glucose levels) such as corticosteroids, certain lipid-lowering drugs (ie niacin), oral contraceptives, thyroid replacement drugs, estrogens, isoniazid, phenothiazines and corticosteroids.

Which drugs may require a decrease of insulin requirement?

Insulin requirements may need to be decreased in the presence of medications that lower blood sugar levels such as oral antidiabetics agents, sulfa antibiotics, angiotensin II receptor blocking agents, inhibitors of pancreatic function (ie octreotide), certain antidepressants, beta-andrenergic blockers, angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors.

Notify your doctor of any medications or supplements you are currently taking.

Is it safe to use Humalog Mix 25 100IU/ml Cartridge while breastfeeding (lactation) or pregnancy?

Studies have shown that there are no adverse effects of insulin lispro during pregnancy or on the health of a fetus or baby. Insulin requirements may drop during the first trimester and increased during the second and third. Patients should consult their doctor if they are pregnant, considering pregnancy or breastfeeding for specific instructions. It is essential to monitor blood sugar levels during pregnancy. For women who are breastfeeding, an adjustment to insulin dosage may be required.


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